Audrey Wasley Font is a professional signature handwriting font with stunning style. This font has thin lines with curvy letters that are unusual or you might rarely find in other fonts. This font will be suitable for many industries, such as advertisement, beauty product, design interior, event or wedding organizer, handcraft, homeware, photography, spa and salon, and more!
Audrey Wasley Font includes full set of Uppercase and Lowercase Basic Characters, Numerals, Punctuation, Symbol, Ligature, and Swoosh. This font has a stunning look that will make you curious to be incorporated into the design immediately, such as brand logo, brochure, business card, custom design, invitation, label, packaging design, quote, screen printing, stationery, website, etc.
Try out Audrey Wasley Font Demo font (Some Characters are not available) :
Here what’s included on the package :
- OTF File
- TTF File
- Woff File
- Help-File
Audrey Wasley Font supports multilingual languages (including multiple currency symbols). With a simple installation, it will be ready to use both on Windows machine or Mac. It really common works in almost any software (Character Map for Windows and Font Book for Mac). It work well on Adobe software such as Illustrator, Photoshop and several other software.
Hope You like it! We can’t wait to see what you make with Audrey Wasley Font! Feel free to write any messages or contact us by Form here.